Wednesday, 29 January 2020

How to be a prepare to itself before going for interview?

Hi guys,
Please follow the below points, when you are going for an interview.

1. Research on the Company

   Once you complete research on the company, it will help you when the interviewer asks to say something about the company.
   You want to make sure you understand the business and anticipate the kinds of questions the interviewer may ask. 
   follow below step for good research:
1. Do a Google search on the company.
2. Review the company’s website (like the 'bout Us, Team, and Products sections of the website).
3. Read the company’s blog if it has one.
4. Review press articles were written about the company.

2. Research the People 
Who Will Be Interviewing you before your interview, try and get a list of the people you will be meeting with. Then research these individuals, including:
   follow below step for good research:
1. Do a Google search for each person.
2. Review their individual LinkedIn pages (noting any connections you may have in common).
3. Review any information about these individuals on the company’s website.

3. Anticipate Questions You Might Be Asked
It’s important to think early on about the questions you may be asked so that you can prepare an articulate and polished response. 
These types of general interview questions are often asked, so please prepare for the below points:

1. Can you tell me about yourself?
2. What do you know about our company?
3. Why are thinking about leaving your current job?
4. What interests you about this job?
5. Can you describe your work style?
6. What do you consider to be your greatest strength?
7. What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
8. What are your salary requirements?
9. Is there anything we didn’t cover that you want to add?
10. Do you have any questions for me?

4. Conduct a Mock Interview
Doing a practice interview with friends or family members (especially if they have experience interviewing employees themselves). 
The practice will be helpful and give you more confidence. Ask for feedback on your answers, your body language, and your preparedness. 
Have the mock interviewer ask both common questions as well as offbeat ones to see how well you can think on your feet.

6. This is very common but you have to review Your Facebook and Other Social Media Postings
The employers often review Facebook and other social media sites to get information and background on prospective employees.
 So please make sure to review your online postings and pictures and delete any information that is embarrassing or could cast you in a negative
 light with the prospective employer.

7. Dress Appropriately for the Interview
You want to dress appropriately and professionally for the job interview. 
It usually won’t hurt to dress more formally for your interview than you would on the job. 
If you have a contact who works for the employer, ask them about the general dress code. 
Show up neat and groomed.

8. You should  Arrive Early and Prepared for the Interview
Make sure to arrive at the interview on time (you don’t want the first impression of you to be of a person who can’t be on time). Download directions in advance. Anticipate traffic delays, and get there early (but don’t show up on the company’s doorsteps more than 5 to 10 minutes early). Make sure to turn off your cell phone so it doesn’t ring or buzz during the interview.

9. Bring the Necessary Documents
You should bring 5 or 6 copies of documents with you for the interview, in case the need arises. Such documents could include:

1. Copies of your resume
2. A list of references (including each person’s title, company, and contact information such as phone number and email address)
3. Copies of reference letters singing your praises
4. Work samples such as writings, design layouts, etc. (but make sure you aren’t providing confidential information of your existing employer)
4. After your interview, you should let your professional references know that the employer might be contacting them. 
   Give them a heads up on the company and job position.

10. Check Out
You should check out Glassdoor for reviews of the company.
There may be reviews from current and past employees, along with information on salary and the types of questions interviewers ask at the company. 
These reviews can be helpful for background and to give you a sense of employee issues.

Best of luck for Interview
Thanks for reading

If you have any doubt or query you can just ask in comments.

Monday, 27 January 2020

.Net interview questions for 2 years experience

Hi guys,
As per my own experience, I am also attending the interview questions. I am going to share interview questions for .net having experience of 2 years.
First of all, I have listed out the list of questions, after it i will explain in detail.
1. What's class.
Ans: class is like a blueprint of a specific object and it defines the kinds of data and the functionality their objects will have. It enables you to create your own custom types by grouping together variables of other types, methods and events. In C#, a class can be defined by using the class keyword.Example: Suppose we are going to write a program to create a calculator for some calculation.We required some variable to store the value.We required some variables to show the value.Now there will be a chances to declare more than one variable and function. And these are all variable and function grouping in one memory called class. The all functionality is for calculating something so we can give a class name Calculator.

2. What's is oops concepts.
Ans: The Oops concept is the root of the c#. The concept is a containing of four feature called 
        1. Polymorphisms
        2. Abstractions
        3. Inheritance
        4. Encapsulation

These all have a such like feature coating which is make C# stronger.

3. Explain encapsulation with example.
Ans: Encapsulation is a part of the oops concept of the c#. Encapsulation is a way to hide the member of the class from outer side access.

Let's take an example,
In touch screen mobile there is a feature of unlocking the mobile through the fingerprints. Just I have to put the finger on the scanner sensor of the mobile and it get unlock. This means there is some internal feature that gets the data from finger , scan, and checks and gives output you are the owner of this mobile or not. and these internal features not showing the user.

So encapsulation means hiding the important features of a class which is not been needed to be exposed outside of a class and exposing only the necessary things of a class.

4. What is the role of polymorphism?
Ans. Polymorphism is a part of the opps concept of the c#. Polymorphism means many forms.

Let's take an example,
In iPhone mobile, there is a single  button at the bottom in the center for working almost all work from those button-like, enter, back, lock, unlock, etc, 
So you can under there be a common function name with the different parameters make function to define in the many forms.

5. Where we can use inheritance.
Ans. Inheritance is part of the oops concept of the c#. Inheritance is a way to we can reuse the function of the class.

Let's an example.
Commonly the property of my parents hand over by me, and my property is hand over to my child, this property is hand over to his child, which means there is single property use by many.

Thanks for reading 😊
You can ask your question on Instagram @akhilesh_vis17 and join my channel To get the latest update on blogs

If you have any doubt or query you can just ask in comments

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Tips for beginner programmer

  1. Tip #1: Code Everyday: Everyday practice is more important.what you read, what you learn. Just revised and practice evrybday.
  2. Tip #2: Write It Out: try to make a habit to write on paper. It will help you to remember everything very fast.
  3. Tip #3: Take Breaks: Do not practice and read continues to study. After 2-3 hours one break is very important to make mind refresh.
  4. Tip #4: Surround Yourself With Others Who Are Learning: i think you heard one point. Experience bolata hai. So always trying to make a friend who already completed point which you are going to starred. It will help you save your time to learn anything.
Thanks for reading..😊

Friday, 24 January 2020

programming craze

Hi friends, i am going to start a blog for beginners programmers. Please help us and give support to create this blog. 
The my goal for this blog is help and support to the beginners programmers.
Please write comment for increased me if this is right way to help for the beginners programmers

Thanks for reading

How to print Specific area and avoid the some area in javascript

Hi, guys below are an example to print a specific area in javascript, also you can hide the specific area. Example: <html> <b...